Siebe Jonckheere, ‘Geloofwaardigheid op de proef? Een dramaturgische benadering van seksuele identiteiten in de asielprocedure: Een etnografisch onderzoek met LGBTIQ+ asielzoekers in België’, Master dissertation, KU Leuven, 2021 Abstract In deze studie staan de intersecties van seksualiteit met performativiteit van LGBTIQ+ asielzoekende subjecten centraal, als lens om te onderzoeken hoe ze hun seksuele identiteit en … Read more

B Camminga, ‘”Go fund me”: LGBTI asylum seekers in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya’, in Christine M. Jacobsen and Shahram Khosravi (eds.), Waiting and the Temporalities of Irregular Migration, ch 8, Routledge, 2020, pp. 132-148

Mandivavarira Mudarikwa, Miriam Gleckman-Krut, Amy-Leigh Payne, B Camminga and John Marnell, ‘LGBTI+ Asylum Seekers in South Africa: A Review of Refugee Status Denials Involving Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity’, Legal Resources Centre (LRC) / People Against Suffering, Oppression and Poverty (PASSOP) / Women’s Legal Centre (WLC) / African LGBTQI+ Migration Research Network (ALMN) / African … Read more

EASO, ‘EASO Asylum Report 2021: Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union’, European Asylum Support Office, 2021 Abstract As the go-to source of information on international protection in Europe, the EASO Asylum Report series provides a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in European Union Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway … Read more

Moira Dustin and Nuno Ferreira, ‘Improving SOGI Asylum Adjudication: Putting Persecution Ahead of Identity’, Refugee Survey Quarterly, Volume 40, Issue 3, September 2021, Pages 315–347 Abstract This article addresses the concern that decision-making in sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI) asylum claims in Europe is often unfair, and that one way to remedy this is … Read more

Nuno Ferreira, ‘An exercise in detachment: the Strasbourg Court and sexual minority refugees’, in Richard Mole (ed.), Queer migration and asylum in Europe, UCL Press, 2021, pp. 78-108. Abstract This contribution explores how the Council of Europe (CoE) – and the European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg Court), in particular – have addressed the increasing … Read more

Amandine Le Bellec, ‘Toward a Gender-Sensitive Securitization of the Common European Asylum System’, Frontiers Human Dynamics, 15 April 2021 Abstract EU Member States may legally designate a country as a Safe Country of Origin when human rights and democratic standards are generally respected. For nationals of these countries, asylum claims are treated in an accelerated … Read more

Calogero Giametta and Shira Havkin, ‘Mapping Homo/Transphobia: The Valorization of the LGBT Protection Category in the Refugee-Granting System’, 2020 ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 20(1), 99-119 Abstract A burgeoning interest in lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) rights has been noted to raise among the ‘temples of global capitalism’ (Rao 2015) such as … Read more

Goodson, L., Darkal, H., Hassan, P., Taal, S., Altaweel, R. and Phillimore, J., ‘Conceptualising experiences of sexual and gender based violence across the refugee journey: the experiences of forced migrants from the MENA region in the UK’, 2021 Working paper No. 46/2021, Birmingham: Institute for Research into Superdiversity Abstract This paper discusses the experiences of … Read more

European Commission, ‘LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025’, November 2020