Swetha Sridharan, ‘The Difficulties of U.S. Asylum Claims Based on Sexual Orientation’, Migration Policy Institute, 2008 Abstract Since 1998, the United States has processed an average of 46,000 asylum applications each year, according to estimates from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Winning asylum in this country, however, is not an easy task. On … Read more
Subject: Human Rights
Fernanda Estevão Pollini, ‘The Difficult Path towards the Recognition of Refugee Status based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Analysing Brazil and the United Kingdom’, ICL Journal, 2014 Abstract In some countries, LGBT people suffer oppression. They are at risk of suffering death penalty. Thus, the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (1951) is … Read more
Victor Mdluli Chikalogwe, ‘A Double Challenge: LGBTI Refugees and Asylum Seekers in South Africa’, Perspectives: Political Analysis and Commentary, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Issue 2, October 2018, 24-29 Abstract Following the end of apartheid in 1994, South Africa has seen a large influx of refugees and asylum seekers from across the continent. According to the United … Read more
Moira Dustin and Rosa Jones, ‘SOGICA – Table of UK SOGI asylum case law’, updated April 2019. Please note that some links are to subscriber-only websites.
Dicklitch-Nelson, S., Thompson, S. and Yost, B., ‘Human rights and the Global Barometer of Gay Rights (GBGR): A Multi-Year Analysis’, Conference Paper prepared for the 57th Annual International Studies Association Conference, Atlanta, 2016 Abstract Sexual minorities are some of the most vulnerable minorities on the planet. Their existence challenges cultural norms, traditions and power structures. … Read more
Nienke Doornbos, ‘Op verhaal komen Op verhaal komen: Institutionele communicatie in de asielprocedure’, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2006 Abstract ‘Alle werkelijkheid is fictie en alle fictie is werkelijkheid.’ Tot deze conclusie kwam een van mijn respondenten na een jarenlange omzwerving in zowel de Nederlandse als de Zweedse asielprocedure. Nadat zijn asielaanvraag de eerste keer in Nederland … Read more
Sabine Jansen and Thomas Spijkerboer, ‘Say it loud – en vlug een beetje: Homoseksuele en transgender asielzoekers, laat uit de kast komen en geloofwaardigheid’, Asiel & Migrantenrecht (9) pp. 456- 463, 2012 Abstract Sabine Jansen en Thomas Spijkerboer bespreken in een tweeluik de belangrijkste knelpunten in het Nederlandse asielbeleid voor lesbische, homoseksuele, biseksuele en transgender … Read more
European Asylum Support Office (EASO), ‘Annual report on the situation of asylum in the European Union 2017’, European Asylum Support Office, Luxembourg, 2018
Alexandre Bongiovanni, ‘Demande d’asile au motif de l’orientation sexuelle: la CJUE fait un tout petit pas… mais dans la bonne direction’, La Revue des droits de l’homme [Online], Actualités Droits-Libertés, 2018
First section, Application no. 31428/18, S.A.C. against the United Kingdom, lodged on 5 July 2018 Summary This application concerns a Bangladeshi national who had claimed asylum on the ground that he feared persecution on return to Bangladesh as a gay/bisexual man. He was denied international protection. The applicant complains under Article 3 of the ECHR … Read more