Dicklitch-Nelson, S., Thompson, S. and Yost, B., ‘Human rights and the Global Barometer of Gay Rights (GBGR): A Multi-Year Analysis’, Conference Paper prepared for the 57th Annual International Studies Association Conference, Atlanta, 2016 Abstract Sexual minorities are some of the most vulnerable minorities on the planet. Their existence challenges cultural norms, traditions and power structures. … Read more

Nienke Doornbos, ‘Op verhaal komen Op verhaal komen: Institutionele communicatie in de asielprocedure’, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2006 Abstract ‘Alle werkelijkheid is fictie en alle fictie is werkelijkheid.’ Tot deze conclusie kwam een van mijn respondenten na een jarenlange omzwerving in zowel de Nederlandse als de Zweedse asielprocedure. Nadat zijn asielaanvraag de eerste keer in Nederland … Read more

Sabine Jansen and Thomas Spijkerboer, ‘Say it loud – en vlug een beetje: Homoseksuele en transgender asielzoekers, laat uit de kast komen en geloofwaardigheid’, Asiel & Migrantenrecht (9) pp. 456- 463, 2012 Abstract Sabine Jansen en Thomas Spijkerboer bespreken in een tweeluik de belangrijkste knelpunten in het Nederlandse asielbeleid voor lesbische, homoseksuele, biseksuele en transgender … Read more

Alexandre Bongiovanni, ‘Demande d’asile au motif de l’orientation sexuelle: la CJUE fait un tout petit pas… mais dans la bonne direction’, La Revue des droits de l’homme [Online], Actualités Droits-Libertés, 2018

Adena L. Wayne, ‘Unique Identities and Vulnerabilities: The Case for Transgender Identity as a Basis for Asylum’, 102 Cornell Law Review 241 (2016) Abstract On September 3, 2015, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit suspended the deportation of a transgender Mexican woman because the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA or Board) had … Read more

Laurynas Biekša, ‘The Refugee Qualification Problems in LGBT Asylum Cases’, Jurisprudencija / Jurisprudence 2011, 18(4), p. 1555–1565

Rachel Lewis, ‘Deportable Subjects: Lesbians and Political Asylum’, Feminist Formations, vol. 25 no. 2, 2013, pp. 174-194 Abstract This article explores how deportation as a state of emergency structures the queer migration narratives of lesbian refugees and asylum-seekers. The first part of the article discusses the ways in which the political asylum system produces queer, … Read more

Nicole LaViolette, ‘Sexual Orientation and the Refugee Determination Process: Questioning a Claimant About Their Membership in the Particular Social Group’, in S. Levy (ed.), Asylum Based on Sexual Orientation; A Resource Guide, San Francisco: IGLHRC, 1996 Abstract For many years now, gay men and lesbians have been granted asylum in Canada on the ground that … Read more

Fatma E. Marouf, ‘The emerging importance of “social visibility” in defining a “particular social group” and its potential impact on asylum claims related to sexual orientation and gender’, 2008 Yale Law and Policy Review, 27: 47-106

Arwen Swink, ‘Queer refuge: a review of the role of country condition analysis in asylum adjudication for members of sexual minorities’, Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, 29: 251, 2006