Aino Gröndahl, ‘Rejection motivations in SOGIESC asylum cases in Sweden: A Case Law Analysis of the Migration Agency’s, the Migration Courts’ and the Migration Court of Appeal’s Assessments of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression Asylum Claims’, RFSL, 2024 Abstract This report presents critical findings regarding the credibility assessments that Swedish migration authorities require … Read more

Molly Fee, ‘Lives stalled: the costs of waiting for refugee resettlement’, 2022 Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48:11, 2659-2677 Abstract During their migration, refugees often pass through transit countries, especially before resettlement elsewhere. These stays in cities or camps may last several months or years as refugees await the next step of their journey. … Read more

Christian Berger and Thiemo Raoul Bischof, ‘Sexualität und Wahrheit im Asylverfahren’, politix 43, 29-38, 2018

Siebe Jonckheere, ‘Geloofwaardigheid op de proef? Een dramaturgische benadering van seksuele identiteiten in de asielprocedure: Een etnografisch onderzoek met LGBTIQ+ asielzoekers in België’, Master dissertation, KU Leuven, 2021 Abstract In deze studie staan de intersecties van seksualiteit met performativiteit van LGBTIQ+ asielzoekende subjecten centraal, als lens om te onderzoeken hoe ze hun seksuele identiteit en … Read more

Greece, EL: Administrative Court [Διοικητικό Πρωτοδικείο], ‘Applicant (Iran) vs Asylum Office’, 19/02/2020 EL: Appeals Authority recognises refugee status to Iranian national based on homosexuality and rules on the respect for private and family life of asylum applicants in the assessment of application.

Study and Research Centre for Administrative and Political Sciences / Centre d’Études et de Recherches de Sciences Administratives et Politiques, ‘La preuve dans les demandes d’asile en raison de l’orientation sexuelle [Evidence in asylum applications on grounds of sexual orientation]’, April 2020

Sophia Zisakou, ‘Credibility Assessment in Asylum Claims Based on Sexual Orientation by the Greek Asylum Service: A Deep-Rooted Culture of Disbelief’, Front. Hum. Dyn., 22 July 2021 Abstract The aim of this article is to describe and analyze the main practices that the Greek Asylum Service applies to assess credibility in asylum claims based on … Read more

Sarah Khalbuss, ‘Precarious Living, Absent Livelihoods: LGBTQI Refugees in ‘First Asylum Cities’, 2020 OxMo Vol. 9, No. 1, 16-30 Abstract This paper explores the challenges that LGBT refugees face in ‘first asylum cities’–a term I use to denote the cities in countries where LGBT refugees tend to migrate first with the objective of registering for … Read more

Calogero Giametta and Shira Havkin, ‘Mapping Homo/Transphobia: The Valorization of the LGBT Protection Category in the Refugee-Granting System’, 2020 ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 20(1), 99-119 Abstract A burgeoning interest in lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) rights has been noted to raise among the ‘temples of global capitalism’ (Rao 2015) such as … Read more

Ari Shaw, Winston Luhur, Ingrid Eagly and Kerith J. Conron, ‘LGBT Asylum Claims in the United States’, UCLA, March 2021 Executive Summary LGBT people face both generalized and unique vulnerabilities that cause many to leave their country of origin and seek refuge in another. Consensual same-sex conduct remains criminalized in 69 countries, and as many … Read more