Georges Ravarani, ‘Assessment of the credibility of asylum-seekers: The burden of proof and the limits of the ECHR’s examination’, European Court of Human Rights, 2017 Abstract The assessment of credibility and the burden of proof are core issues in asylum cases. They raise very concrete questions that national courts have to deal with, being assisted … Read more

Fadi Saleh, ‘Transgender as a Humanitarian Category: The Case of Syrian Queer and Gender-Variant Refugees in Turkey’, 2020 TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 7 (1): 37–55 Abstract In this article, the author foregrounds transgender as a useful category of analysis to shed light on the issue of gender variance and its articulations within the encounter between … Read more

Andrew DJ Shield, ‘New in Town: Gay Immigrants and Geosocial Dating Apps’, in Alexander Dhoest, Lukasz Szulc and Bart Eeckhout (eds.), LGBTQs, Media, and Culture in Europe, London: Routledge, 2017, 244-261

Andrew DJ Shield, ‘Immigrants on Grindr: Race, Sexuality and Belonging Online’, Palgrave, 2019 Abstract This book examines the role of hook-up apps in the lives of gay, bi, trans, and queer immigrants and refugees, and how the online culture of these platforms promotes belonging or exclusion. Within the context of the so-called European refugee crisis, … Read more

Samantha K. Arnold, ‘Identity and the Sexual Minority Refugee: A Discussion of Conceptions and Preconceptions in the United Kingdom and Ireland’, 20(3) Human Rights Brief, 2013

On 11 October 2019, the EU Home Affairs Committee published its report on ‘Brexit: refugee protection and asylum policy’ which highlights the potentially significant implications of Brexit for asylum policy, and for vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers in Europe. The report states: ‘The SOGICA Project—a four-year research project on the social and legal experiences of … Read more

Joint amicus, ‘Written submissions on behalf of the AIRE Centre, ECRE, HDT, ILGA- Europe and ICJ interveners pursuant to the Section Registrar’s notification of 7 December 2016’, 2017 Abstract The AIRE Centre, ECRE, HDT, ILGA-EUROPE and the ICJ (hereafter, “the interveners”)The intervener submit that in interpreting the scope and content of the Contracting Parties’ obligations … Read more

Louise Sarsfield Collins, ‘Safe Spaces: The Law and Everyday Experiences of LGBTQ Asylum Seekers’, NPPSH Reflections, 1, 66-77, 2017 Abstract Each year a few thousand people arrive in Ireland seeking our protection. The events that lead to asylum applications are likely harrowing. However, for many, the asylum process causes further difficulties, particularly for lesbian, gay, … Read more

Sabine Jansen and Thomas Spijkerboer, ‘De draaideurkast: Homoseksuele en transgender asielzoekers, discretie en strafbaarstelling’ Asiel & Migrantenrecht (7) pp. 320- 329, 2012 Abstract Sabine Jansen en Thomas Spijkerboer bespreken in een tweeluik de belangrijkste knelpunten in het Nederlandse asielbeleid voor lesbische, homoseksuele, biseksuele en transgender asielzoekers. in dit eerste artikel: de discretie-eis kan mensen terug de … Read more

Kok Stefan, ‘Bij gebrek aan bewijs: De beoordeling van de geloofwaardigheid van het asielrelaas onder Werkinstructie’, 2014/10, Universiteit Leiden/ VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, 2016 Abstract In this report, entitled Bij gebrek aan bewijs (‘Where there is no evidence’), the decision-making process of the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) in the period between July 20, 2015 and … Read more