B Camminga, ‘”Go fund me”: LGBTI asylum seekers in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya’, in Christine M. Jacobsen and Shahram Khosravi (eds.), Waiting and the Temporalities of Irregular Migration, ch 8, Routledge, 2020, pp. 132-148

Mandivavarira Mudarikwa, Miriam Gleckman-Krut, Amy-Leigh Payne, B Camminga and John Marnell, ‘LGBTI+ Asylum Seekers in South Africa: A Review of Refugee Status Denials Involving Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity’, Legal Resources Centre (LRC) / People Against Suffering, Oppression and Poverty (PASSOP) / Women’s Legal Centre (WLC) / African LGBTQI+ Migration Research Network (ALMN) / African … Read more

Study and Research Centre for Administrative and Political Sciences / Centre d’Études et de Recherches de Sciences Administratives et Politiques, ‘La preuve dans les demandes d’asile en raison de l’orientation sexuelle [Evidence in asylum applications on grounds of sexual orientation]’, April 2020

Moira Dustin and Nuno Ferreira, ‘Improving SOGI Asylum Adjudication: Putting Persecution Ahead of Identity’, Refugee Survey Quarterly, Volume 40, Issue 3, September 2021, Pages 315–347 Abstract This article addresses the concern that decision-making in sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI) asylum claims in Europe is often unfair, and that one way to remedy this is … Read more

Sophia Zisakou, ‘Credibility Assessment in Asylum Claims Based on Sexual Orientation by the Greek Asylum Service: A Deep-Rooted Culture of Disbelief’, Front. Hum. Dyn., 22 July 2021 Abstract The aim of this article is to describe and analyze the main practices that the Greek Asylum Service applies to assess credibility in asylum claims based on … Read more

Olympiada Kosmopoulou, ‘(In)credible lesbian and gay asylum seekers: credibility assessment practices in sexual orientation-based asylum claims in Europe’, Åbo Akademi University, 2021 Abstract This thesis examines credibility assessment practices of sexual orientation asylum claims in Europe and their compatibility with human rights standards. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) rejected the credibility … Read more

Sarah Khalbuss, ‘Precarious Living, Absent Livelihoods: LGBTQI Refugees in ‘First Asylum Cities’, 2020 OxMo Vol. 9, No. 1, 16-30 Abstract This paper explores the challenges that LGBT refugees face in ‘first asylum cities’–a term I use to denote the cities in countries where LGBT refugees tend to migrate first with the objective of registering for … Read more

Mariza Avgeri, ‘Assessing Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Asylum Claims: Towards a Transgender Studies Framework for Particular Social Group and Persecution’, Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 24 May 2021 Abstract In this article, I focus on gender identity and gender expression as grounds for international protection. After clarifying issues of terminology and theoretical framework, namely Transgender Studies, … Read more

Calogero Giametta and Shira Havkin, ‘Mapping Homo/Transphobia: The Valorization of the LGBT Protection Category in the Refugee-Granting System’, 2020 ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 20(1), 99-119 Abstract A burgeoning interest in lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) rights has been noted to raise among the ‘temples of global capitalism’ (Rao 2015) such as … Read more

Kristen Walker, ‘The Importance of Being Out: Sexuality and refugee status’, 1996 (18) Sydney Law Review, 568-597