Rachel A Lewis, ‘“Gay? Prove it”: The politics of queer anti-deportation activism’, Sexualities, 2014, Vol.17(8), pp. 958-975 Abstract: This article examines how gender, sexuality, race and class intersect in queer asylum claims to influence the perceived credibility of gay and lesbian asylum applicants. Building on recent scholarship in queer migration studies that considers the role … Read more

Allan Briddock, ‘The Recognition of Refugees Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the UK:  An Overview of Law and Procedure’, 2016 Birkbeck Law Review 4(1), 123.

Forced Migration Review (FMR) 42, April 2013 (special issue on sexual orientation and gender identity and the protection of forced migrants) Abstract Around the world, people face abuse, arbitrary arrest, extortion, violence, severe discrimination and lack of official protection because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. This latest issue of FMR includes 26 articles … Read more

Nora Markard, ‘Sexuelle Orientierung als Fluchtgrund – Das Ende der »Diskretion« – Aktuelle Entwicklungen beim Flüchtlingsschutz aufgrund der sexuellen Orientierung, Asylmagazin, 3/2013, S. 74–84

Sabine Jansen und Thomas Spijkerboer, ‘Fleeing Homophobia: Asylanträge mit Bezug zur sexuellen Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität in Europe’ [deutsche Übersetzung], September 2011, COC Niederlande/ Freie Universität Amsterdam