Dustin M. and Ferreira N., ‘Canada’s Guideline 9: improving SOGIE claims assessment?’, 2017 Forced Migration Review 56 (October), at http://www.fmreview.org/latinamerica-caribbean.html and SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3020950 Abstract Asylum seekers making claims relating to their sexual orientation and gender identity often face unfair refusal. New guidance from the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada takes admirable steps towards improving claims assessment, and offers a model … Read more

Wessels, Janna, ‘HJ (Iran) and HT (Cameroon) – Reflections on a New Test for Sexuality-Based Asylum Claims in Britain’, International Journal of Refugee Law, 24 (2012), 815–39.

Calogero Giametta, The Sexual Politics of Asylum: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the UK Asylum System, Routledge, 2017   ‘The Sexual Politics of Asylum’ by Calogero Giametta (Routledge, 2017) emerges from a 2 year long ethnography, which explores the experiences of 60 gender and sexual minority refugees in the UK. Bringing previously unheard stories … Read more

J. Millbank, ‘The Right of Lesbians and Gay Men to Live Freely, Openly and on Equal Terms is Not Bad Law: A Reply to Hathaway and Pobjoy’, 44 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 497, 515 (2012)

Lee and Brotman, ‘Identity, Refugeeness, Belonging: Experiences of Sexual Minority Refugees in Canada’, 2011, Canadian Review of Sociology 48 (3): 241–274 Abstract Cet article explore les résultats d’un projet de recherche communautaire qualitatif sur les expériences intersectionnelles des réfugiés minorités sexuelles vivant à Montréal et Toronto. Menée entre 2007 à 2010, cette étude a examiné … Read more

Deniz Akin, ‘Queer asylum seekers: translating sexuality in Norway’, in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2017, 3, 458-474 Abstract This paper focuses on the burden of proof that queer asylum seekers encounter in Norway and how they tackle it. It is argued that queer asylum seekers translate their sexuality, sometimes strategically, to become readable … Read more

Lisa Riedel und Gerald Schneider, ‘Dezentraler Asylvollzug diskriminiert: Anerkennungsquoten von Flüchtlingen im bundesdeutschen Vergleich, 2010-2015’, PVS, 58. Jg., 1/2017, S. 21-48, DOI: 10.5771/0032-3470-2017-1-21.

Paul Johnson, ‘M.E. v Sweden – European Court of Human Rights endorses expulsion of a gay man to a country that criminalises homosexuality’, ECHR Sexual Orientation Blog, 28 June 2014

Nuno Ferreira, ‘Portuguese Refugee Law in the European Context: The Case of Sexuality-Based Claims’, 2015 International Journal of Refugee Law 27 (3): 411-432. doi: 10.1093/ijrl/eev032