Mary Kapron & Nicole LaViolette, ‘Refugee Claims Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: An Annotated Bibliography’, Université d’Ottawa / University of Ottawa, June 2014 Abstract This annotated bibliography gives an account of legal and social sciences research sources related to refugee claims based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The bibliography, which focuses primarily … Read more

Shana Tabak and Rachel Levitan, ‘LGBTI Migrants in Immigration Detention: A Global Perspective’, Harvard Journal of Law and Gender, Vol. 37, No. 1, 2014 Abstract In recent years, the state practice of detaining migrants has come under close examination for the multiple ways in which detention is likely compromise the human rights of detainees. With … Read more

Johannes Lukas Gartner, ‘(In)credibly Queer: Sexuality-based Asylum in the European Union’, in Transatlantic Perspectives on Diplomacy and Diversity, edited by Anthony Chase, 39-66. New York: Humanity in Action Press, 2015.

Daniel Braga Nascimento,  Emilie de Haas e Roberta Camineiro Baggio, ‘Migration Due To Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity – Migração Em Razão De Perseguição Por Orientação Sexual Ou Identidade De Gênero’, Revista do Direito. v. 1, n. 51, p. 58-67, jan./abr. 2017 .

Daniel Braga Nascimento, ‘Migrantes em Razão de Orientação Sexual ou Identidade de Gênero’, in XI Seminário Nacional ‘Demandas Sociais e Políticas Públicas na Sociedade Contemporânea – I Mostra Nacional de Trabalhos Científicos. Abstract O conceito de refugiado é expresso no Art. 1º Inciso I, da Lei 9.474/97 (Estatuto do Estrangeiro), definindo refugiado como todo indivíduo … Read more

Rahul Rao, Third World Protest : Between Home and the World, OUP, 2010. If boundaries protect us from threats, how should we think about the boundaries of states in a world where threats to human rights emanate from both outside the state and the state itself? Arguing that attitudes towards boundaries are premised on assumptions … Read more

Farrah Jafari, Silencing Sexuality: LGBT Refugees and the Public-Private Divide in Iran and Turkey, PhD dissertation (supervised by Anne Betteridge and Leila Hudson), The University of Arizona, 2013 Abstract The current Islamic Republic of Iran distinguishes between homosexuals and same-sex sexual activity: the former is not recognized as an identity, while state apparatuses openly condemn … Read more

B. O’Leary, ‘“We Cannot Claim Any Particular Knowledge of the Ways of Homosexuals, Still Less of Iranian Homosexuals …”: The Particular Problems Facing Those Who Seek Asylum on the Basis of their Sexual Identity’, 2008 Feminist Legal Studies, Volume 16, Issue 1, pp 87–95 Abstract Many lesbians and gay men apply for asylum in the U.K. each … Read more

Mirja Irene Simunaniemi, ‘Exit to Exist? The Situation of LGBT Asylum Seekers in Turkey’, 2014, Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology.

Rahul Rao, ‘Third World Protest: Between Home and the World’, Oxford Scholarship Online: September 2010, DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199560370.001.0001 Part II, 6 Queer in the Time of Terror Third World queer activists are increasingly caught between two discourses that challenge their self-assertion: first, an occasionally orientalist cosmopolitan discourse of ‘LGBT rights’ that regards such rights as a marker of modernity … Read more