Danisi, C., Dustin, M., Ferreira, N. and Held, N., ‘Queering asylum in Europe: Legal and social experiences of seeking international protection on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity‘, Springer, 2021 Description This two-volume open-access book offers a theoretically and empirically-grounded portrayal of the experiences of people claiming international protection in Europe on the basis … Read more

Allsopp, J., Sigona, N. and Phillimore,, J., ‘Poverty among refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. An evidence and policy review’, IRIS Working Paper Series, No. 1/2014, University of Birmingham/IRIS This Working Paper reviews evidence on the relationship between poverty and refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. It focuses on i) the experiences of … Read more

Bina Fernandez, ‘“Sconfinatori” e “sconfinatrici” queer: Complicità pragmatiche, indiscrezioni e sovvertimenti’, Deportate, Esuli, Profughe (DEP) n. 38/2018 Abstract I consider queer lived experience through a focus on LGBTQIA asylum seekers while also looking towards the ways in which queering as an epistemological standpoint can be used to challenge the state-based system of the global order. … Read more

Rachel A Lewis, ‘“Gay? Prove it”: The politics of queer anti-deportation activism’, Sexualities, 2014, Vol.17(8), pp. 958-975 Abstract: This article examines how gender, sexuality, race and class intersect in queer asylum claims to influence the perceived credibility of gay and lesbian asylum applicants. Building on recent scholarship in queer migration studies that considers the role … Read more