Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, ‘Chairperson’s Guideline 9: Proceedings Before the IRB Involving Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression’, 2017

ORAM, ‘Testing Sexual Orientation: A Scientific and Legal Analysis of Plethysmography in Asylum and Refugee Status Proceedings’, December 2010

Human Rights Council, Report of the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity – A/HRC/35/36, 35th Session of the Human Rights Council, 2017

Nuno Ferreira, ‘Portuguese Refugee Law in the European Context: The Case of Sexuality-Based Claims’, 2015 International Journal of Refugee Law 27 (3): 411-432. doi: 10.1093/ijrl/eev032

The case is related to an asylum seeker from Pakistan who was denied refugee status by the Territorial Commission (the eligibility authority) due to lack of credibility. The Tribunal accepted the credibility of the applicant’s claim, also considering the testimony of a Pakistan men that, living in the same village, knew the isolation suffered by … Read more

LC (Albania) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department & Anor [2017] EWCA Civ 351

Il caso riguarda un richiedente asilo del Pakistan al quale era stato negato lo status di rifugiato dalla Commissione territoriale competente, per motivi legati alla credibilita’. Considerate la testimonianza di un abitante del medesimo villaggio in Pakistan sull’isolamento vissuto dal ricorrente a causa del suo orientamento sessuale e del Paese di origine, il Tribunale ha ritenuto credibile il … Read more

Refugee status granted to a person fleeing homophobia from Senegal, because of the criminal sanction in force in that country as well as the social exclusion suffered by sexual minorities.

The case is related to an asylum seeker coming from Bangladesh, belonging to the Rohingya ethnicity, who was granted refugee status by the Tribunal of Catanzaro (after his application was rejected by the Commissione territoriale – the eligibility authority). The Tribunal found that the applicant made all attempts to prove his personal background, while all information … Read more