Lorenzo Bernini, ‘The ordeal for humanity: LGBTI asylum seekers in Europe facing the limits of human rights’, 2015 AG About Gender – International Journal of Gender Studies, Vol. 4, No. 7, pp. 177-189   What’s “human” in the human? What makes a living being a human being? In case of doubt, who decides whether a … Read more

James C. Hathaway and Jason Pobjoy, ‘Queer Cases Make Bad Law’, 44 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 315, 388 (2012)

John Tobin, ‘Assessing GLBTI Refugee Claims: Using Human Rights Law to Shift the Narrative of Persecution Within Refugee Law’, 44 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 447, 454-55 (2012)

US Immigration Office, ‘Guidance for Adjudicating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) Refugee and Asylum Claims’, 2011

T. Gavrielides (ed.), ‘Supporting and Including LGBTI Migrants. Needs, Experiences & Good Practices’, Epsilon project, 2017.

Lee and Brotman, ‘Identity, Refugeeness, Belonging: Experiences of Sexual Minority Refugees in Canada’, 2011, Canadian Review of Sociology 48 (3): 241–274 Abstract Cet article explore les résultats d’un projet de recherche communautaire qualitatif sur les expériences intersectionnelles des réfugiés minorités sexuelles vivant à Montréal et Toronto. Menée entre 2007 à 2010, cette étude a examiné … Read more

UNHCR and IOM, ‘Training package on the protection of LGBTI persons in forced displacement’, 2017 Abstract LGBTI people face a complex array of challenges and threats, including discrimination, prejudice, violence, difficulty accessing humanitarian services and barriers to articulating their protection needs to assisting organizations. Efforts to improve the protection of LGBTI people have recently gained … Read more

Human Rights Watch, “They Have Long Arms and They Can Find Me”. Anti-Gay Purge by Local Authorities in Russia’s Chechen Republic, 2017.