Mert Koçak, ‘Legally Unrecognized but Bureaucratically Tolerated: Queer Iranian Refugees Living in Turkey’, Network for Migration Matters, 5 November 2020 Abstract Shouleh[i], a lesbian refugee from Iran, told me, “We (Iranian queer refugees living in Turkey) want only three things: resettlement, financial help, and parties!”. She started the sentence with a serious face and ended … Read more

Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), Mx M (gender identity – HJ (Iran) – terminology) El Salvador [2020] UKUT 313 (IAC), 30 September 2020 Decision makers should where possible apply the guidance in the Equal Treatment Bench Book and use gender terminology which respects the chosen identity of claimants before them. The principles in HJ … Read more

European Commission (Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers), ‘Final report 2015-2019 on the list of actions to advance LGBTI equality’, June 2020 Abstract In December 2015, the Commission presented the ‘List of actions to advance LGBTI equality’ to the Council and the European Parliament. This was its response to a European Parliament resolution and a joint … Read more

Eren Aygün, ‘Prospects and Challenges of NGOs. Working with LGBTIQ Asylum-Seekers in Germany: Homonationalism as a Practice-Informing Concept for International Social Work with LGBTIQ Asylum-Seekers and Refugees’, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (Faculty of Applied Social Sciences), Master’s degree in International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants, 2019 Abstract The aim of this master’s thesis … Read more

Petra Sußner, ‘Mit Recht gegen die Verhältnisse: Asylrechtlicher Schutz vor Heteronormativität’, Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte / Journal for Human Rights, 2020 Abstract [DE] Als Verfolgungsgru¨nde sind sexuelle Orientierung und geschlechtliche Identita¨t im Asyl- recht angekommen. In der Praxis zeigt sich jedoch, dass der Schutz fu¨r LGBTIQ2-Asyl- suchende De zite aufweist. Der Artikel geht diesen Umsetzungsde ziten … Read more

Dale Buscher, ‘Unequal in Exile: Gender Equality, Sexual Identity and Refugee Status’, 2011, Amsterdam Law Forum; Vol 3, No 2

M. Yanick Saila-Ngita, ‘Sex, Lies, And Videotape: Considering The ABC Case And Adopting The DSSH Method For The Protection Of The Rights Of LGBTI Asylum Seekers’, Southwestern Journal of International Law, Vol. 24, No. 2, 275-299, 2018

Raphael Ruppacher, ‘Not That Kind of Gay: Credibility Assessment and the Concept of Sexual Orientation in European Asylum Law’, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, 2015 Abstract Recently, more and more countries have recognised sexual orientation as a ground for asylum. This has led to a shift from rejecting such claims because of a lack of … Read more

John Vine, ‘An Investigation into the Home Office’s Handling of Asylum Claims Made on the Grounds of Sexual Orientation – March-June 2014’, Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, 2014

Volakaki Teresa Charalambous, ΛΟΑΤΚΙΑ πρόσφυγες στην Ευρώπη: Δεδομένα και Προκλήσεις [LGBTQIA refugees in Europe: Facts and Challenges], Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2020 Περίληψη Σε ορισμένο αριθμό κρατών διεθνώς άτομα διώκονται με βάση το σεξουαλικό τους προσανατολισμό ή την ταυτότητα φύλου τους (SOGI). Και ενώ το οικουμενικό πλαίσιο προστασίας των προσφύγων σύμφωνα με τη Σύμβαση της Γενεύης, αλλά … Read more