Sharif, Raihan, ‘White Gaze Saving Brown Queers: Homonationalism Meets Imperialist Islamophobia’, Limina, Volume 21.1, 1-19, 2015 Abstract In asylum cases, some western countries use global gay discourses and teleological developmental narratives to (mis)recognise non-Western queerness. This paper investigates a number of queer asylum cases to explain how the set conditions for a queer asylum status … Read more

Hadriel G. S. Theodoro and Denise Cogo, ‘LGBTQI+ Immigrants and Refugees in the City of São Paulo: Uses of Icts in a South-South Mobility Context’, Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication, 17, 2019 Abstract L’objectif de ce travail est d’analyser comment les utilisations et la consommation des technologies de l’information et … Read more

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), ‘Resettlement Assessment Tool: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Refugees’, 2013 Abstract The Resettlement Assessment Tool: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Refugees has been developed to enhance UNHCR’s effectiveness and harmonize procedures for assessing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) refugees for resettlement. Due to the discrimination … Read more

Samantha K. Arnold, ‘Identity and the Sexual Minority Refugee: A Discussion of Conceptions and Preconceptions in the United Kingdom and Ireland’, 20(3) Human Rights Brief, 2013

UKLGIG, ‘Submission to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration inspection of the Home Office’s Use of Interpreters’, June 2019 SOGICA contributed evidence to UKLGIG’s submission to the Chief Inspector’s inquiry into the use of interpreters by the Home Office.

Claerwen O’hara, ‘The gap between immutability and perceptibility: Issues experienced by sexual minority asylum seekers in the context of the “membership of a particular social group” ground’, 2013 Abstract: Despite the persecution of sexual minorities being a widely-recognised ground for claiming asylum, this category of asylum seekers still experience a plethora of problems. This is … Read more

On 11 October 2019, the EU Home Affairs Committee published its report on ‘Brexit: refugee protection and asylum policy’ which highlights the potentially significant implications of Brexit for asylum policy, and for vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers in Europe. The report states: ‘The SOGICA Project—a four-year research project on the social and legal experiences of … Read more

Douglas McDonald, ‘Freedom To Be: Assessing the Claims of LGBTQ Asylum Seekers’, 10 Socio-Legal Review, 2014, 35-52 Abstract This paper assesses contemporary dilemmas in the assessment of asylum claims based upon sexual identity, including international legal challenges to previously-prevailing notions that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (“LGBTQ”) asylum seekers may escape persecution through ‘discretion’; … Read more

In 2019, the SOGICA project, in collaboration with partner organisations, submitted Freedom of Information requests about SOGI asylum to the relevant government departments in Germany, Italy and the UK with varying degrees of success. Germany SOGICA prepared questions for a parliamentary request that was submitted by Ulla Jelpke and others, Die Linke, on 17 May … Read more

Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Ulla Jelpke, Doris Achelwilm, Dr. André Hahn, Gökay Akbulut, Simone Barrientos, Nicole Gohlke, Cornelia Möhring, Amira Mohamed Ali, Niema Movassat, Norbert Müller (Potsdam), Petra Pau, Martina Renner, Dr. Petra Sitte, Kersten Steinke, Friedrich Straetmanns, Dr. Kirsten Tackmann und der Fraktion DIE LINKE. Situation von LSBTI-Geflüchteten Deutscher Bundestag, Drucksache 19/10308, 17.05.2019   … Read more