Karimi, A., ‘Sexuality and integration: a case of gay Iranian refugees’ collective memories and integration practices in Canada’, Ethnic and Racial Studies 2018 Abstract During the past two decades, Canada has accepted hundreds of LGBT asylum seekers, including gay Iranian men. Sociologists of sexualities and migration have yet to study this group as immigrants whose … Read more

Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population / Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold, ‘Report on Situation of gays and lesbians and their partners in respect to asylum and immigration in the member states of the Council of Europe’, Doc. 8654, 25 February 2000

BBC News, ‘Meet Iran’s gay mullah forced to flee the country’, 8 June 2016 Abstract In Iran, homosexuality is banned and punishable by execution under its strict code of sharia, or Islamic law. In a country dominated by the religious class, being gay is taboo, and especially among the establishment. One Iranian gay cleric, who … Read more

C. Bennett and F. Thomas, ‘Seeking asylum in the UK: Lesbian perspectives’. Forced Migration Review pp 42, 26–28, University of Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre, 2013 Abstract Many aspects of the UK asylum process can be confusing, disempowering and traumatic for lesbian asylum seekers. Recent research examines the impacts of this process on their experiences, their identity … Read more

Nina Held, SOGICA Table of German SOGI asylum case law 1988-2018, September 2018

Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard, ‘LGBTQ Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers’ Pathways and Support in Brighton & Hove Report’, March 2018

Linke, Juliane/ Wessel, Barbara (2017): Rechtliche Expertise: Situation unverheirateter gleichgeschlechtlicher Partner*innen im Asylverfahren. Schwulenberatung: Berlin.

Daniel Braga Nascimento,  Emilie de Haas e Roberta Camineiro Baggio, ‘Migration Due To Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity – Migração Em Razão De Perseguição Por Orientação Sexual Ou Identidade De Gênero’, Revista do Direito. v. 1, n. 51, p. 58-67, jan./abr. 2017 .

Daniel Braga Nascimento, ‘Migrantes em Razão de Orientação Sexual ou Identidade de Gênero’, in XI Seminário Nacional ‘Demandas Sociais e Políticas Públicas na Sociedade Contemporânea – I Mostra Nacional de Trabalhos Científicos. Abstract O conceito de refugiado é expresso no Art. 1º Inciso I, da Lei 9.474/97 (Estatuto do Estrangeiro), definindo refugiado como todo indivíduo … Read more

Farrah Jafari, Silencing Sexuality: LGBT Refugees and the Public-Private Divide in Iran and Turkey, PhD dissertation (supervised by Anne Betteridge and Leila Hudson), The University of Arizona, 2013 Abstract The current Islamic Republic of Iran distinguishes between homosexuals and same-sex sexual activity: the former is not recognized as an identity, while state apparatuses openly condemn … Read more