Duncan Breen, ‘The Road to Safety: Strengthening Protection for LGBTI Refugees in Uganda and Kenya’, Human Rights First, 2012

Sharalyn R. Jordan, ‘Un/convention(al) refugees: Contextualizing the accounts of refugees facing homophobic or transphobic persecution’, Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, 26(2), 165-182, 2009 Abstract Propelled by fear of violence and flight from stigma, impelled by desire for connection and belonging, the movements of people whose sexualities or genders defy and offend norms cover a complex … Read more

Louise Sarsfield Collins, ‘Safe Spaces: The Law and Everyday Experiences of LGBTQ Asylum Seekers’, NPPSH Reflections, 1, 66-77, 2017 Abstract Each year a few thousand people arrive in Ireland seeking our protection. The events that lead to asylum applications are likely harrowing. However, for many, the asylum process causes further difficulties, particularly for lesbian, gay, … Read more

David K. Seitz, ‘Limbo Life in Canada’s Waiting Room: Asylum-Seeker as Queer Subject’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 35(3), 438-456, 2017 Abstract This paper puts queer theory’s ‘‘subjectless critique’’ of identity to work in challenging the state’s biopolitical use of essential, authentic identities in asylum law and practice. It not only builds upon, … Read more

House of Commons Canada, ‘LGBTQ+ At Risk Abroad: Canada’s Call to Action: Report of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration’, House of Commons Canada, 2017 Preamble On 4 October 2016, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration (hereafter referred to as “the Committee” or “CIMM”) adopted a motion to undertake a … Read more

ELENA, Research Paper on Sexual Orientation as a Ground for Recognition of Refugee Status, n.d.

Julie Bissland and Kathleen Lawand, ‘Report of the UNHCR Symposium on Gender-Based Persecution’, International Journal of Refugee Law, Special Issue, 1997, 13-31

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), ‘Resettlement Assessment Tool: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Refugees’, May 2019 Abstract The Resettlement Assessment Tool: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Refugees has been developed to enhance UNHCR’s effectiveness and harmonize procedures for assessing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) refugees for resettlement. Due to the … Read more

Carmela Ferrara, Orientamento Sessuale e Identità di Genere: Immigrazione e Accoglienza [Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Immigration and Reception], 2019

Human Rights Watch, ‘Country Profiles: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity’, Human Rights Watch 2019 World Report, 2019 Abstract The following country profiles are derived in part from sections of the Human Rights Watch 2019 World Reportthat relate to the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. This is a living document which will be … Read more