Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard, ‘LGBTQ Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers’ Pathways and Support in Brighton & Hove Report’, March 2018

Gemma Lousley and Sarah Cope, ‘We are still here. The continued detention of women seeking asylum in Yarl’s Wood’, 2017, Women for Refugee Women

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), ‘The Protection of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Asylum-Seekers and Refugees’, 22 September 2010

Marchu Girma, Isabelle Kershaw, Gemma Lousley, Sophie Radice & Natasha Walter, ‘I Am Human. Refugee women’s experiences of detention in the UK’, 2015, Women for Refugee Women.

EASO – European Asylum Support Office, ‘Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the EU 2017’, 2018

UK Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group (UKLGIG), ‘Applying HJ (Iran) and HT (Cameroon) to asylum claims based on sexual orientation’, 2018.

European Commission, ‘EMN Ad-Hoc Query on NL AHQ on national asylum policies regarding LGBT-asylum seekers – Requested by NL EMN NCP on 2nd May 2016′, 2016

Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population / Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold, ‘Report on Situation of gays and lesbians and their partners in respect to asylum and immigration in the member states of the Council of Europe’, Doc. 8654, 25 February 2000

BBC News, ‘Meet Iran’s gay mullah forced to flee the country’, 8 June 2016 Abstract In Iran, homosexuality is banned and punishable by execution under its strict code of sharia, or Islamic law. In a country dominated by the religious class, being gay is taboo, and especially among the establishment. One Iranian gay cleric, who … Read more

Rahul Rao, Third World Protest : Between Home and the World, OUP, 2010. If boundaries protect us from threats, how should we think about the boundaries of states in a world where threats to human rights emanate from both outside the state and the state itself? Arguing that attitudes towards boundaries are premised on assumptions … Read more