European Asylum Support Office (EASO), ‘EASO Asylum Report 2020: Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union’, EASO , 2020 See SOGICA’s input here.

Andrew DJ Shield, Immigrants in the Sexual Revolution: Perceptions and Participation in Northwest Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 Abstract This book focuses on the latter half of the twentieth century, when much of northwest Europe grew increasingly multicultural with the arrival of foreign workers and (post-)colonial migrants, whilst simultaneously experiencing a boom in feminist and sexual … Read more

Henriette Gunkel and Ben Pitcher (eds.), ‘Racism in the Closet – Interrogating Postcolonial Sexuality’, Darkmatter, issue no. 3, 2008 Table of contents Editorial: Racism in the Closet – Interrogating Postcolonial Sexuality by Henriette Gunkel and Ben Pitcher • 2 May 2008   Articles Loyal Repetitions of the Nation: Gay Assimilation and the ‘War on Terror’ … Read more

Council of Europe, ‘Gender-based asylum claims and non-refoulement: Articles 60 and 61 of the Istanbul Convention. A collection of papers on the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence’, February 2020 On 10 February 2020, the Council of Europe published a new study on Gender-based asylum claims and non-refoulement: Articles … Read more

Human Rights Watch, ‘”They Want Us Exterminated”: Murder, Torture, Sexual Orientation and Gender in Iraq’, 17 August 2009

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), ‘Age, Gender and Diversity – UNHCR Accountability Report’, 2014 Abstract Since 2007, UNHCR has systematically applied an Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) accountability approach across all of its operations. This approach led to the development of UNHCR’s AGD Policy in 2011. The AGD policy, which is a key UNHCR … Read more

UNHCR, International Protection Considerations with Regard to People Fleeing the Republic of Iraq, May 2019

Julie Bissland and Kathleen Lawand, ‘Report of the UNHCR Symposium on Gender-Based Persecution’, International Journal of Refugee Law, Special Issue, 1997, 13-31

Sharalyn Renee Jordan, ‘Un/settling: a critical ethnographic inquiry into settlement by refugees making claims based on sexual orientation or gender identity persecution’, University of British Columbia, 2010 Abstract Propelled by fear of violence and flight from stigma, impelled by desire for connection and belonging, the movements of people whose sexualities or genders defy and offend … Read more

European Asylum Support Office (EASO), ‘Annual report on the situation of asylum in the European Union 2017’, European Asylum Support Office, Luxembourg, 2018