Human Rights Watch, ‘”They Want Us Exterminated”: Murder, Torture, Sexual Orientation and Gender in Iraq’, 17 August 2009

Andrew DJ Shield, Immigrants in the Sexual Revolution: Perceptions and Participation in Northwest Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 Abstract This book focuses on the latter half of the twentieth century, when much of northwest Europe grew increasingly multicultural with the arrival of foreign workers and (post-)colonial migrants, whilst simultaneously experiencing a boom in feminist and sexual … Read more

Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, ‘Annual inspection of “Adults at Risk in Immigration Detention” (2018–19). November 2018 – May 2019’, April 2020. This inspection examined how the Home Office’s ‘Adults at Risk’ process was working. The inspection was commissioned by the Home Secretary in response to a recommendation made by Stephen Shaw CBE … Read more

ILGA-Europe, ‘Annual Review of the Human Rights Situation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex People in Europe and Central Asia’, 2020 Abstract Annual Review of the Human Rights Situation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex People covering the period of January to December 2019. We examined the advances made and provided concrete examples … Read more

6Rang, ‘Letter to Dutch government regarding its asylum policy for Iranian LGBTQI’, 11 February 2020 Abstract In this open letter to Dutch Government ministers, the NGO 6Rang raise concerns about the protection level offered to the Iranian LGBT asylum seekers in the Netherlands and the current situation of LGBT rights and protections in Iran.

UKLGIG, ‘Submission to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration inspection of the Home Office’s Presenting Officer function’, January 2020  

Fadi Saleh, ‘Transgender as a Humanitarian Category: The Case of Syrian Queer and Gender-Variant Refugees in Turkey’, 2020 TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 7 (1): 37–55 Abstract In this article, the author foregrounds transgender as a useful category of analysis to shed light on the issue of gender variance and its articulations within the encounter between … Read more

Dixson and Dixson, Report on the Queer Displacements: Sexuality, Migration and Exile conference, 2019. During 13-15th of November 2019, we held the first conference in Australia solely dedicated to the issues of LGBTIQ+ forced displacement. The conference was attended by 150 participants (academics, service providers, policy makers, government officials and LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers and refugees). … Read more

Allsopp, J., Sigona, N. and Phillimore,, J., ‘Poverty among refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. An evidence and policy review’, IRIS Working Paper Series, No. 1/2014, University of Birmingham/IRIS This Working Paper reviews evidence on the relationship between poverty and refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. It focuses on i) the experiences of … Read more

Diego García Rodríguez, Review of Fleeing Homophobia: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Asylum, by Thomas Spijkerboer (ed), Journal of Refugee Studies, Volume 30, Issue 4, December 2017, Pages 626–628 Abstract Fleeing Homophobia: Sexual orientation, gender identity and asylum, edited by Thomas Spijkerboer, brings together scholars from distinct fields (such as law, migration and conflict management) … Read more