Mariza Avgeri, ‘Assessing Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Asylum Claims: Towards a Transgender Studies Framework for Particular Social Group and Persecution’, Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 24 May 2021 Abstract In this article, I focus on gender identity and gender expression as grounds for international protection. After clarifying issues of terminology and theoretical framework, namely Transgender Studies, … Read more

Jennifer New, ‘Seeking support in Liverpool: issues and barriers for asylum seekers and refugees who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or intersex’, HIV Nursing 2015; 15, pp. 66–75 Abstract The following article highlights significant issues and barriers that lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) asylum seekers and refugees can experience when seeking asylum in … Read more

Ari Shaw, Winston Luhur, Ingrid Eagly and Kerith J. Conron, ‘LGBT Asylum Claims in the United States’, UCLA, March 2021 Executive Summary LGBT people face both generalized and unique vulnerabilities that cause many to leave their country of origin and seek refuge in another. Consensual same-sex conduct remains criminalized in 69 countries, and as many … Read more

Calogero Giametta and Shira Havkin, ‘Mapping Homo/Transphobia: The Valorization of the LGBT Protection Category in the Refugee-Granting System’, 2020 ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 20(1), 99-119 Abstract A burgeoning interest in lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) rights has been noted to raise among the ‘temples of global capitalism’ (Rao 2015) such as … Read more

Goodson, L., Darkal, H., Hassan, P., Taal, S., Altaweel, R. and Phillimore, J., ‘Conceptualising experiences of sexual and gender based violence across the refugee journey: the experiences of forced migrants from the MENA region in the UK’, 2021 Working paper No. 46/2021, Birmingham: Institute for Research into Superdiversity Abstract This paper discusses the experiences of … Read more

Amandine Le Bellec, ‘Toward a Gender-Sensitive Securitization of the Common European Asylum System’, Frontiers Human Dynamics, 15 April 2021 Abstract EU Member States may legally designate a country as a Safe Country of Origin when human rights and democratic standards are generally respected. For nationals of these countries, asylum claims are treated in an accelerated … Read more

European Commission, ‘LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025’, November 2020

Mert Koçak, ‘Legally Unrecognized but Bureaucratically Tolerated: Queer Iranian Refugees Living in Turkey’, Network for Migration Matters, 5 November 2020 Abstract Shouleh[i], a lesbian refugee from Iran, told me, “We (Iranian queer refugees living in Turkey) want only three things: resettlement, financial help, and parties!”. She started the sentence with a serious face and ended … Read more

Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), Mx M (gender identity – HJ (Iran) – terminology) El Salvador [2020] UKUT 313 (IAC), 30 September 2020 Decision makers should where possible apply the guidance in the Equal Treatment Bench Book and use gender terminology which respects the chosen identity of claimants before them. The principles in HJ … Read more

European Commission (Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers), ‘Final report 2015-2019 on the list of actions to advance LGBTI equality’, June 2020 Abstract In December 2015, the Commission presented the ‘List of actions to advance LGBTI equality’ to the Council and the European Parliament. This was its response to a European Parliament resolution and a joint … Read more