US Immigration Office, ‘Guidance for Adjudicating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) Refugee and Asylum Claims’, 2011

T. Gavrielides (ed.), ‘Supporting and Including LGBTI Migrants. Needs, Experiences & Good Practices’, Epsilon project, 2017.

The case concerns a transgender Malaysian national who claimed that her deportation from Denmark to Malaysia would violate her rights under Article 7 ICCPR (prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment), in conjunction with articles 17(1) (privacy and family life), 18(1) (freedom of thought, conscience and religion) and 26 (non-discrimination). The Committee considered her claims admissible … Read more

UNHCR and IOM, ‘Training package on the protection of LGBTI persons in forced displacement’, 2017 Abstract LGBTI people face a complex array of challenges and threats, including discrimination, prejudice, violence, difficulty accessing humanitarian services and barriers to articulating their protection needs to assisting organizations. Efforts to improve the protection of LGBTI people have recently gained … Read more

Human Rights Watch, “They Have Long Arms and They Can Find Me”. Anti-Gay Purge by Local Authorities in Russia’s Chechen Republic, 2017.

Human Rights Watch, ‘Spain: LGBT Asylum Seekers Abused in North African Enclave. Transfer Sexual Minorities from Ceuta to Mainland’, 2017.

Deniz Akin, ‘Queer asylum seekers: translating sexuality in Norway’, in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2017, 3, 458-474 Abstract This paper focuses on the burden of proof that queer asylum seekers encounter in Norway and how they tackle it. It is argued that queer asylum seekers translate their sexuality, sometimes strategically, to become readable … Read more

Written Comments of FIDH, APDHE, ILGA-EUROPE, ECSOL, and UKLGIG on Application No. 15109/15, M.B. v. Spain, European Court of Human Rights, Third Section, Submitted on 15 January 2016

Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, ‘Chairperson’s Guideline 9: Proceedings Before the IRB Involving Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression’, 2017