Rahul Rao, ‘Third World Protest: Between Home and the World’, Oxford Scholarship Online: September 2010, DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199560370.001.0001 Part II, 6 Queer in the Time of Terror Third World queer activists are increasingly caught between two discourses that challenge their self-assertion: first, an occasionally orientalist cosmopolitan discourse of ‘LGBT rights’ that regards such rights as a marker of modernity … Read more

Hana Masri, ‘A Liberated Life? Thoughts on the Paradoxical Binds of Queer Refuge’, 2017 Kohl 3.1: pp. 36-40

Sabiha Allouche, ‘(Dis)-Intersecting Intersectionality in the Time of Queer Syrian-Refugee-ness in Lebanon’, 2017 Kohl 3.1: pp. 59-77 Abstract This paper heeds Jasbir Puar’s call to supplement an intersectional analysis with an exercise of assemblage when examining identity politics. It argues that asylum organizations’ unwillingness to account for the interplay between the receiving state (in this … Read more

Lee and Brotman, ‘Identity, Refugeeness, Belonging: Experiences of Sexual Minority Refugees in Canada’, 2011, Canadian Review of Sociology 48 (3): 241–274 Abstract Cet article explore les résultats d’un projet de recherche communautaire qualitatif sur les expériences intersectionnelles des réfugiés minorités sexuelles vivant à Montréal et Toronto. Menée entre 2007 à 2010, cette étude a examiné … Read more

The case is related to an asylum seeker coming from Bangladesh, belonging to the Rohingya ethnicity, who was granted refugee status by the Tribunal of Catanzaro (after his application was rejected by the Commissione territoriale – the eligibility authority). The Tribunal found that the applicant made all attempts to prove his personal background, while all information … Read more

Il caso è relativo al riconoscimento dello status di rifugiato a un cittadino di etnia Rohingya del Bangladesh dove, oltre che essere a rischio di persecuzioni per il suo orientamento sessuale, soffre discriminazioni anche per la sua appartenenza etnica.

Decision of the Fifth Section of the ECtHR in the case of M.K.N. v. Sweden, Application no. 72413/10, 27 June 2013

Rachel A Lewis, ‘“Gay? Prove it”: The politics of queer anti-deportation activism’, Sexualities, 2014, Vol.17(8), pp. 958-975 Abstract: This article examines how gender, sexuality, race and class intersect in queer asylum claims to influence the perceived credibility of gay and lesbian asylum applicants. Building on recent scholarship in queer migration studies that considers the role … Read more

UN General Assembly, Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 28 July 1951, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 189, p. 137