BBC News, ‘Meet Iran’s gay mullah forced to flee the country’, 8 June 2016 Abstract In Iran, homosexuality is banned and punishable by execution under its strict code of sharia, or Islamic law. In a country dominated by the religious class, being gay is taboo, and especially among the establishment. One Iranian gay cleric, who … Read more

Harumi Ozawa, ‘Gay Iranian Desperate to Stay in Japan’, Daily Yomiuri, 2001

Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration (ICIBI), An inspection of the Home Office’s production and use of Country of Origin Information. April – August 2017, 30 January 2018 The Home Office response to the ICIBI report is also available: Home Office, The Home Office response to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration’s … Read more

The case concerns a transgender Malaysian national who claimed that her deportation from Denmark to Malaysia would violate her rights under Article 7 ICCPR (prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment), in conjunction with articles 17(1) (privacy and family life), 18(1) (freedom of thought, conscience and religion) and 26 (non-discrimination). The Committee considered her claims admissible … Read more

Human Rights Council, Report of the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity – A/HRC/35/36, 35th Session of the Human Rights Council, 2017

UN Committee Against Torture, K. S. Y. v. The Netherlands, Communication No. 190/2001, 15 May 2003, CAT/C/30/D/190/2001