Ezel Sahinkaya and Arif Aslan, ‘LGBT People Fleeing Harassment in Iran Find Life No Easier in Turkey’, Voice of America (VOA), 16 April 2021 Abstract For hundreds of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Iranians who fled their homeland because of persecution for who they are, moving to Turkey was not a significant improvement. Sexual and … Read more

Carmela Ferrara, Anna Lisa Amodeo, Francesco Garzillo, Giuseppe Masullo, Paolo Valerio e Carolina Vesce, ‘I Have a Dream: Studi e strumenti per il lavoro con migranti LGBTI’, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 2021 7 Introduzione 9 Saluti istituzionali 23 Intervista a Isabella Fernandes Da Silva 29 1. Domande di protezione internazionale fondate sull’orientamento sessuale, identità di genere, … Read more

Sophia Zisakou, ‘Credibility Assessment in Asylum Claims Based on Sexual Orientation by the Greek Asylum Service: A Deep-Rooted Culture of Disbelief’, Front. Hum. Dyn., 22 July 2021 Abstract The aim of this article is to describe and analyze the main practices that the Greek Asylum Service applies to assess credibility in asylum claims based on … Read more

John Vine, ‘An Investigation into the Home Office’s Handling of Asylum Claims Made on the Grounds of Sexual Orientation – March-June 2014’, Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, 2014

David Bolt – Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration (ICIBI), ‘An inspection of the Home Office’s use of language services in the asylum process: May – November 2019’, 11 November 2020 Abstract This inspection examined the efficiency, effectiveness and consistency of the Home Office’s use of language services in the asylum process, with a … Read more

UKLGIG, ‘Submission to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration inspection of the Home Office’s Use of Interpreters’, June 2019 SOGICA contributed evidence to UKLGIG’s submission to the Chief Inspector’s inquiry into the use of interpreters by the Home Office.

Douglas McDonald, ‘Freedom To Be: Assessing the Claims of LGBTQ Asylum Seekers’, 10 Socio-Legal Review, 2014, 35-52 Abstract This paper assesses contemporary dilemmas in the assessment of asylum claims based upon sexual identity, including international legal challenges to previously-prevailing notions that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (“LGBTQ”) asylum seekers may escape persecution through ‘discretion’; … Read more

Swetha Sridharan, ‘The Difficulties of U.S. Asylum Claims Based on Sexual Orientation’, Migration Policy Institute, 2008 Abstract Since 1998, the United States has processed an average of 46,000 asylum applications each year, according to estimates from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Winning asylum in this country, however, is not an easy task. On … Read more

Alex Cooper, ‘LGBTQ asylum-seekers in Europe subjected to stereotyping and humiliation, rights group says’, NBC News / NBC Out, 29 November 2018

Human Rights Council (HRC), Report of the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, 38th session, A/HRC/38/43, 11 May 2018