Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration (ICIBI), ‘An inspection of asylum casework (August 2020 – May 2021)’, 18 November 2021 Abstract This inspection examined the efficiency and effectiveness of the Home Office’s asylum casework system, which is managed by the Asylum & Protection Directorate. Publishing the report, David Neal said: I welcome the publication … Read more

Greece, EL: Administrative Court [Διοικητικό Πρωτοδικείο], ‘Applicant (Iran) vs Asylum Office’, 19/02/2020 EL: Appeals Authority recognises refugee status to Iranian national based on homosexuality and rules on the respect for private and family life of asylum applicants in the assessment of application.

Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), Mx M (gender identity – HJ (Iran) – terminology) El Salvador [2020] UKUT 313 (IAC), 30 September 2020 Decision makers should where possible apply the guidance in the Equal Treatment Bench Book and use gender terminology which respects the chosen identity of claimants before them. The principles in HJ … Read more

Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, ‘Inspection of Country of Origin Information Thematic Report on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity or Expression’, 2020 The report looks at individual Home Office ‘Country Policy and Information Notes’ and ‘Country of Origin Information Requests’. The recommendations cover both. Home Office Response to an inspection of country of … Read more

Refugee Status Appeals Authority, Refugee Appeal No. 74665, 7 July 2004 (New Zealand)

Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, ‘Annual inspection of “Adults at Risk in Immigration Detention” (2018–19). November 2018 – May 2019’, April 2020. This inspection examined how the Home Office’s ‘Adults at Risk’ process was working. The inspection was commissioned by the Home Secretary in response to a recommendation made by Stephen Shaw CBE … Read more

BF (Albania) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department [2019] EWCA Civ 1781 (25 October 2019)

Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Ulla Jelpke, Doris Achelwilm, Dr. André Hahn, Gökay Akbulut, Simone Barrientos, Nicole Gohlke, Cornelia Möhring, Amira Mohamed Ali, Niema Movassat, Norbert Müller (Potsdam), Petra Pau, Martina Renner, Dr. Petra Sitte, Kersten Steinke, Friedrich Straetmanns, Dr. Kirsten Tackmann und der Fraktion DIE LINKE. Situation von LSBTI-Geflüchteten Deutscher Bundestag, Drucksache 19/10308, 17.05.2019   … Read more

Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Ulla Jelpke, Doris Achelwilm, Dr. André Hahn, weiterer Abgeordneter und der Fraktion DIE LINKE. – Drucksache 19/10308 – Situation von LSBTI-Geflüchteten Deutscher Bundestag Drucksache 19/10733 06.06.2019   [SOGICA had prepared this parliamentary request, which was edited and submitted by Ulla Jelpke/ The LINKE]

Joint amicus, ‘Written submissions on behalf of the AIRE Centre, ECRE, HDT, ILGA- Europe and ICJ interveners pursuant to the Section Registrar’s notification of 7 December 2016’, 2017 Abstract The AIRE Centre, ECRE, HDT, ILGA-EUROPE and the ICJ (hereafter, “the interveners”)The intervener submit that in interpreting the scope and content of the Contracting Parties’ obligations … Read more