Marchu Girma, Isabelle Kershaw, Gemma Lousley, Sophie Radice & Natasha Walter, ‘I Am Human. Refugee women’s experiences of detention in the UK’, 2015, Women for Refugee Women.

UK Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group (UKLGIG), ‘Applying HJ (Iran) and HT (Cameroon) to asylum claims based on sexual orientation’, 2018.

Shana Tabak and Rachel Levitan, ‘LGBTI Migrants in Immigration Detention: A Global Perspective’, Harvard Journal of Law and Gender, Vol. 37, No. 1, 2014 Abstract In recent years, the state practice of detaining migrants has come under close examination for the multiple ways in which detention is likely compromise the human rights of detainees. With … Read more

Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard, ‘LGBTQ Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers’ Pathways and Support in Brighton & Hove Report’, March 2018

Asylum Aid policy briefing, ‘Sexual Borders: Does the UK Adequately Protect People Seeking Asylum based on Risk of Persecution relating to Sexual or Gender Identity or Expression?’ February 2018.

Carmelo Danisi, Moira Dustin, Nuno Ferreira and Nina Held, ‘SOGICA – Case studies comparison’, updated 15 March 2018. This table maps some of the similarities and differences in SOGI asylum law and policy across our three case study countries – Germany, Italy and the UK – and at European level.

B. O’Leary, ‘“We Cannot Claim Any Particular Knowledge of the Ways of Homosexuals, Still Less of Iranian Homosexuals …”: The Particular Problems Facing Those Who Seek Asylum on the Basis of their Sexual Identity’, 2008 Feminist Legal Studies, Volume 16, Issue 1, pp 87–95 Abstract Many lesbians and gay men apply for asylum in the U.K. each … Read more

Gina Clayton, Tanya Crowther, Jane Kerr, Sarah Sharrock and Debora Singer. Editor: Matt Barnard, ‘Through Her Eyes: Enabling women’s best evidence in UK asylum appeals’, 2017 (Migrants Resource Centre, Asylum Aid, NatCen Social Research).

UKLGIG, ‘Submission to the APPG on Global LGBT Rights’, 2015.

UKLGIG, ‘Written Submission to the Independent Review into the Welfare in Detention of Vulnerable Persons’, 2015.