Öykü Aytaçoğlu, ‘L’implication du chercheur dans le travail de terrain: Une étude auprès des exilé·e·s queer à Istanbul’, in Monia Lacheb and Constance de Gourcy (eds.), Terrains sensibles au Maghreb et au-delà: Acteurs, chercheurs et affects, 2022, pp. 141-162 Key words: Turkey, Ethnographic fieldwork, Magreb, Queer Migration Studies

Öykü Aytacoglu, ‘A migration journey between vulnerability and agency: the case of queer exiles in Istanbul’, in Jane Freedman, Alice Latouche, Adelina Miranda, Nina Sahraoui, Glenda Santana de Andrade, Elsa Tyszler (eds.), The Gender of Borders: Embodied Narratives of Migration, Violence and Agency, Routledge, 2023, pp. 119-135 (Chapter 7) Abstract This chapter discusses the migration … Read more

Ezel Sahinkaya and Arif Aslan, ‘LGBT People Fleeing Harassment in Iran Find Life No Easier in Turkey’, Voice of America (VOA), 16 April 2021 Abstract For hundreds of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Iranians who fled their homeland because of persecution for who they are, moving to Turkey was not a significant improvement. Sexual and … Read more

Alizee Zapparoli-Manzoni-Bodson, ‘The Making of the Iranian Refugee: From Revolution to Asylum’, Trudeau Centre for Peace, Conflict and Justice, November 2015 Abstract This paper follows the narratives and trajectories of Iranian asylum-seekers in Turkey as they undergo the process of applying for refugee status through the UNHCR. Ethnographic work conducted in three satellite cities, Yalova, … Read more

Elif Sarı, ‘“I am myself”: Queer Refugee Narratives’, in Lê Espiritu Gandhi, E., & Nguyen, V. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Refugee Narratives (1st ed.), Routledge, 2023, pp. 179-190 Abstract This chapter tells stories of queerness and refugeeness and offers a queer(ing) perspective on writing with and about refugees. Asylum system introduces various barriers to … Read more