Daniel Borrillo, Manuela Salcedo and Shira Havkin, ‘La preuve dans les demandes d’asile en raison de l’orientation sexuelle’, April 2020 [See, also, Daniel Borrillo, Manuela Salcedo and Shira Havkin, ‘Les demandes d’asile en raison de l’orientation sexuelle: comment prouver l’intime?‘, Défenseur des droits / CERSA, May 2020]

Fadi Saleh, ‘Transgender as a Humanitarian Category: The Case of Syrian Queer and Gender-Variant Refugees in Turkey’, 2020 TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 7 (1): 37–55 Abstract In this article, the author foregrounds transgender as a useful category of analysis to shed light on the issue of gender variance and its articulations within the encounter between … Read more

D. McDonald-Norman, ‘Koushal v. Naz Foundation and the Lessons of International Refugee Law’, in Sarasu E. Thomas (ed), Gender, Human Rights and Law, 2016, 161-183 Abstract In its decision in Suresh Kumar Koushal and anor v NAZ Foundation and ors (Koushal), the Supreme Court of India declared that section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, … Read more

Ahmed Hamila, ‘Les persécutions liées à l’orientation sexuelle : un « nouveau » motif pour octroyer le statut de réfugié en Belgique ?’, 2019 Politique et Sociétés, 38, (1), 157–177 Résumé de l’article La Belgique est l’un des premiers pays européens où l’autorité chargée du traitement des demandes d’asile, le Commissariat général aux réfugiés et … Read more

Decision of the Fifth Section of the ECtHR in H.A. and H.A. v. Norway, Application no 56167/16, 3 January 2017

Decision of the Second Section of the ECtHR in Ayegh v. Sweden, Application no. 4701/05, 7 November 2006

Daniel Braga Nascimento,  Emilie de Haas e Roberta Camineiro Baggio, ‘Migration Due To Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity – Migração Em Razão De Perseguição Por Orientação Sexual Ou Identidade De Gênero’, Revista do Direito. v. 1, n. 51, p. 58-67, jan./abr. 2017 .

Daniel Braga Nascimento, ‘Migrantes em Razão de Orientação Sexual ou Identidade de Gênero’, in XI Seminário Nacional ‘Demandas Sociais e Políticas Públicas na Sociedade Contemporânea – I Mostra Nacional de Trabalhos Científicos. Abstract O conceito de refugiado é expresso no Art. 1º Inciso I, da Lei 9.474/97 (Estatuto do Estrangeiro), definindo refugiado como todo indivíduo … Read more

James C. Hathaway and Jason Pobjoy, ‘Queer Cases Make Bad Law’, 44 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 315, 388 (2012)

John Tobin, ‘Assessing GLBTI Refugee Claims: Using Human Rights Law to Shift the Narrative of Persecution Within Refugee Law’, 44 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 447, 454-55 (2012)