Hadriel Theodoro and Denise Cogo, ‘Imaginaries About Brazil in the Media Consumption of LGBTIQ+ Immigrants and Refugees in the City of São Paulo’, International Journal of Communication, Vol 15 (2021), 61–81 Abstract This study analyzes the (de)construction of imaginaries about Brazil by LGBTIQ+ immigrants and refugees, and begins by examining their media consumption. The methodology … Read more

Charbel Maydaa, Caroline Chayya and Henri Myrttinen, ‘Impacts of the Syrian Civil War and displacement on SOGIESC populations’, MOSAIC and The Gender, Justice and Security Hub, December 2020

Mert Koçak, ‘Legally Unrecognized but Bureaucratically Tolerated: Queer Iranian Refugees Living in Turkey’, Network for Migration Matters, 5 November 2020 Abstract Shouleh[i], a lesbian refugee from Iran, told me, “We (Iranian queer refugees living in Turkey) want only three things: resettlement, financial help, and parties!”. She started the sentence with a serious face and ended … Read more

Nathalie Ricard, ‘Le prix à payer pour devenir sujet de droit: La selection des réfugiés allosexuels au Canada [The price of becoming a legal subject: The selection of queer refugees in Canada]’, 2011 Alterstice, 1(2), 79–96 Résumé Depuis les années 1990, le Canada accepte des réfugiés persécutés en raison de leur orientation sexuelle. Le statut … Read more

Suhraiya Jivraj and Anisa de Jong, ‘The Dutch Homo-Emancipation Policy and its Silencing Effects on Queer Muslims’, Fem Leg Stud (2011) 19:143–158 Abstract The recent Dutch homo-emancipation policy has identified religious communities, particularly within migrant populations, as a core target group in which to make homosexuality more ‘speakable’. In this article we examine the paradoxical … Read more

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), ‘Submission by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in the case of 2018Du34558 regarding claims for refugee status based on sexual orientation and gender identity’, 26 February 2018 Abstract These observations are submitted by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (“UNHCR”) … Read more

Deniz Akin, ‘Discursive Construction of Genuine LGBT Refugees’, Vol. 23 No. 3-4 (2018): Lamda Nordica – New nordic queer research Abstract This article discusses the ways in which different discourses construct a genuine LGBT refugee subject in Norway. In doing so, it problematizes the notion of a predetermined/ahistorical/context-free LGBT refugee subject who can be discovered … Read more

Deniz Akin, ‘Assessing Sexual Orientation-Based Persecution: A Closer Look at the Norwegian Practices of Asylum Evaluation of Gay and Lesbian Claimants’, 2015 Lambda Nordica, 20(1), 17-42

Decision of the Fourth Section of the ECtHR in Rana v. Hungary, Application no. 40888/17, 16 July 2020

Daniel Borrillo, Manuela Salcedo and Shira Havkin, ‘Les demandes d’asile en raison de l’orientation sexuelle: comment prouver l’intime?’, Défenseur des droits / CERSA, May 2020 [See, also, Daniel Borrillo, Manuela Salcedo and Shira Havkin, ‘La preuve dans les demandes d’asile en raison de l’orientation sexuelle‘, April 2020] Résumé Ces dernières années, les demandes d’asile en … Read more