Bina Fernandez, ‘“Sconfinatori” e “sconfinatrici” queer: Complicità pragmatiche, indiscrezioni e sovvertimenti’, Deportate, Esuli, Profughe (DEP) n. 38/2018 Abstract I consider queer lived experience through a focus on LGBTQIA asylum seekers while also looking towards the ways in which queering as an epistemological standpoint can be used to challenge the state-based system of the global order. … Read more

Alice Edwards, ‘X, Y and Z: The “A, B, C” of Claims based on Sexual Orientation and/or Gender Identity?’, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), International Commission of Jurists: Expert Roundtable on asylum claims based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, Brussels, 27 June 2014

Philip L. Dayle, Natalie A. DeJarlais, Neil Grungras, Mary A. Hutton, H. Jessica Kim, Rachel S. Levitan, Kevin C. Lo, Deidre A. Plant, Okan Sengün, and Ariel A. Travis, ‘Rights & Protection of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex Refugees & Asylum Seekers Under the Yogyakarta Principles’, ORAM–Organization for Refuge, Asylum & Migration, San Francisco, … Read more

Rachel Lewis, ‘Deportable Subjects: Lesbians and Political Asylum’, Feminist Formations, vol. 25 no. 2, 2013, pp. 174-194 Abstract This article explores how deportation as a state of emergency structures the queer migration narratives of lesbian refugees and asylum-seekers. The first part of the article discusses the ways in which the political asylum system produces queer, … Read more

Human Rights Council (HRC), Report of the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, 38th session, A/HRC/38/43, 11 May 2018

International Commission of Jurists, ‘Refugee Status Claims Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: ICJ Practitioners’ Guide n° 11’, 2016

Mary Kapron & Nicole LaViolette, ‘Refugee Claims Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: An Annotated Bibliography’, Université d’Ottawa / University of Ottawa, June 2014 Abstract This annotated bibliography gives an account of legal and social sciences research sources related to refugee claims based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The bibliography, which focuses primarily … Read more

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), ‘The Protection of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Asylum-Seekers and Refugees’, 22 September 2010

Hungarian Helsinki Committee, ‘Credibility Assessment in Asylum Procedures – A Multidisciplinary Training Manual , Volume 2’, 2015

Hungarian Helsinki Committee, ‘Credibility Assessment in Asylum Procedures – A Multidisciplinary Training Manual , Volume 1’, 2013