UNHCR, International Protection Considerations with Regard to People Fleeing the Republic of Iraq, May 2019

BBC News, ‘Meet Iran’s gay mullah forced to flee the country’, 8 June 2016 Abstract In Iran, homosexuality is banned and punishable by execution under its strict code of sharia, or Islamic law. In a country dominated by the religious class, being gay is taboo, and especially among the establishment. One Iranian gay cleric, who … Read more

Shana Tabak and Rachel Levitan, ‘LGBTI Migrants in Immigration Detention: A Global Perspective’, Harvard Journal of Law and Gender, Vol. 37, No. 1, 2014 Abstract In recent years, the state practice of detaining migrants has come under close examination for the multiple ways in which detention is likely compromise the human rights of detainees. With … Read more

Harumi Ozawa, ‘Gay Iranian Desperate to Stay in Japan’, Daily Yomiuri, 2001

Farrah Jafari, Silencing Sexuality: LGBT Refugees and the Public-Private Divide in Iran and Turkey, PhD dissertation (supervised by Anne Betteridge and Leila Hudson), The University of Arizona, 2013 Abstract The current Islamic Republic of Iran distinguishes between homosexuals and same-sex sexual activity: the former is not recognized as an identity, while state apparatuses openly condemn … Read more

Mirja Irene Simunaniemi, ‘Exit to Exist? The Situation of LGBT Asylum Seekers in Turkey’, 2014, Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology.

Hana Masri, ‘A Liberated Life? Thoughts on the Paradoxical Binds of Queer Refuge’, 2017 Kohl 3.1: pp. 36-40

Sabiha Allouche, ‘(Dis)-Intersecting Intersectionality in the Time of Queer Syrian-Refugee-ness in Lebanon’, 2017 Kohl 3.1: pp. 59-77 Abstract This paper heeds Jasbir Puar’s call to supplement an intersectional analysis with an exercise of assemblage when examining identity politics. It argues that asylum organizations’ unwillingness to account for the interplay between the receiving state (in this … Read more

UN Committee Against Torture, K. S. Y. v. The Netherlands, Communication No. 190/2001, 15 May 2003, CAT/C/30/D/190/2001