Decision of the Fifth Section of the ECtHR in H.A. and H.A. v. Norway, Application no 56167/16, 3 January 2017

Decision of the Second Section of the ECtHR in Ayegh v. Sweden, Application no. 4701/05, 7 November 2006

Nina Held, SOGICA Table of German SOGI asylum case law 1988-2018, September 2018

Decision of the Fourth Section of the ECtHR in A.E. v. Finland, Application no. 30953/11, 22 September 2015

Jafarizad Barenji Rana v Hungary, Application no. 40888/17, lodged on 29 May 2017 (Fourth section)

Decision of the Third Section of the ECtHR in A.T. v. Sweden, Application no. 78701/14, 25 of April 2017

The case concerns a transgender Malaysian national who claimed that her deportation from Denmark to Malaysia would violate her rights under Article 7 ICCPR (prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment), in conjunction with articles 17(1) (privacy and family life), 18(1) (freedom of thought, conscience and religion) and 26 (non-discrimination). The Committee considered her claims admissible … Read more

Il caso riguarda un cittadino tunisino, ritenuto pericoloso per l’ordine pubblico, che non poteva essere comunque espulso dall’Italia in quanto omosessuale e cristiano. Pertanto, considerato il pericolo di refoulement, aveva diritto al permesso di soggiorno per motivi umanitari.

The case is related to an asylum seeker from Ghana who was denied the refugee status because in his country no persecution could be found in relation to sexual minorities. The Court of Appeal quashed the decision of the Tribunal of first instance, stating that it is known that in Ghana a fear of persecution for … Read more